So, today is January 11th. This particular date made me realize how important every day is. It made me realize that every day can be life-changing (whether you want it to be or not.)... and that it's impossible for us to know what each day will bring... and then even after the day is over, it's impossible to know the significance of that day's events and what impact they will have on our future. That's what I think of when I think of January 11th. Here's why.
Last year at this time I was not going to school. I had two jobs. I had decided a couple weeks prior to this day that I would move to Vancouver... and at this point in time, I was planning to move within a month (or two.. but February was my goal.) I didn't really know why, but I knew that I needed to move.
Last year at this time I had a best friend who I had not seen in two weeks. This was pretty unusual. I didn't know why I hadn't seen my best friend in two weeks.. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know what. (In fact, I didn't find out what was wrong until almost half a year later.)
That evening I was going to a show with some people from my church. My best friend had originally thought that he would go, but hadn't confirmed anything and didn't respond when I asked for confirmation. It had been a weird day all-round. 2008 was off to an interesting start. Truth be told, I wasn't overjoyed. I was in a good place, though... at least, in hindsight, it seems that it was good.
I wasn't feeling on top of the world by any means that evening. I felt betrayed in some ways after not hearing from my best friend. I know I checked my phone a lot throughout the night, thinking that a text message might arrive explaining everything. It didn't happen.
Looking back, I realize how wrong I was about everything. I thought that my best friend at the time was supposed to be my best friend for life. My mind was so narrowly focused that, had things gone my way, I would've missed out on a lot.
That night, I was the only girl from my church who was going to the show. It was me and five guys. Two of them (brothers), I met for the first time that night; Jordan and Luke.
This year on January 11th I am a student. I work part-time. I live in Vancouver. And I have not seen my best friend in almost two weeks, but this time, I know why.
It's been a year since I met my best friend, Jordan.. on the way to a show - A show which I thought my former best friend should've been at.
Today I can say that I'm glad he decided not to go with me that evening... and I'm glad he decided that we could no longer be friends. And I'm glad that I will always be reminded on this day, January 11th, that when I ask God to take control of my life, and help me live the way he wants me to live... he will. And things might not always seem right at the time.. and then again, they may seem perfect.. but my view is narrow. Tomorrow, everything could change. But I can have peace in knowing that God sees the big picture and whatever happens, I can trust that it's all part of the plan.
"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." -1 Corinthians 13:12

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