
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Choices, Mistakes, and Humanity

Oh what a topic.. haha I feel that choices are underrated so I'm giving them some long deserved publicity.
The truth is.. we make hundreds (probably thousands) of choices every single day, and most of the time we don't even think twice about them. We decide when to get up, what to wear, how to do our hair, what to eat (or not to eat).. and those are just some obvious ones. But I think that there are more important decisions than those.. and they're the ones we try to avoid, or think about less.. brush them off as unimportant or non-issues. There's a song by a band called Storyside:B and there's a line in it that really caught my attention one day. it says,
"We all are human we make mistakes but
We were given a choice to make"
It hit me because it's so true.. we use our humanity as an excuse for making mistakes, when really.. how CAN we use that as an excuse? If Hitler used that as an excuse for the choices he made, would that make it ok? And how many people, upon hearing that, would sit back and say, "ya.. I understand.. we all make mistakes." Some things just aren't mistakes no matter how you look at them. They're choices. Conscious choices that we make every day.
And that being said.. you never know how your choices are going to effect someone else negatively.. but also positively. For every decision we have to make, there's at least 2 options.. and at least one of them is going to have a positive outcome.. and it's not always clear, but it's the truth. So focus on the present.. your time is now. your choices are now. make the right ones.
And as for past mistakes.. they've been made.. they're done. Don't dwell on them. learn from them.
That's it.. I have nothing else to say. (weird...)
Peace (and Love)

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