
Sunday, September 14, 2008


Yesterday I started writing a blog, but didn't finish it... and therefore, didn't post it. The reason I didn't finish it was because I didn't really know how to word what I was trying to say.. or maybe I just didn't really know what I was trying to say.
The blog was supposed to be about God.. just essentially my thoughts on who he is and what he does, etc. etc... but I felt like I had said everything before and so that left very little to say that would be of any interest to anyone (including myself). Today, however, we sang this song at church and, although we've sung it many times, it didn't really mean that much until today... specifically in light of the fact that I attempted to write a blog yesterday and failed miserably.
Anyway, here it is:

This is Our God
by Chris Tomlin

A refuge for the poor, a shelter from the storm
This is our God
He will wipe away your tears and return your
Wasted years
This is our God
This is our God
A father to the orphan, a healer to the broken
This is our God
And he brings peace to our madness and comfort
In our sadness
This is our God
This is our God
This is the one we have waited for
This is our God
A fountain for the thirsty, a lover for the lonely
This is our God
He brings glory to the humble and crowns for the Faithful
This is our God


Phil said...

Hi Emily:

There is an old hymn that suggests that if the oceans were ink and the skies parchment that there would not be enough ink or parchment to fully express who God is. It is an interesting statement that you make, when you suggest that you had already said everything you had to say about God. I don't think so. Every day should and can be a new discovery, if we allow Him to speak. His voice is in creation, experiences, and in acts of service received and shared. It is in the stillness, and quiet reflections of life.
Great to see you growing in Him

love dad

Emily said...

It wasn't so much that I feel I have already said everything I have to say in general.. more-or-less it's like I feel that every time I try to say something new, I just end up repeating something I've already said. Doesn't totally make sense, but I guess really I am just speaking of the same attributes seen in different ways.