
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Few Things I learned This Week...

So the week's only half over, but it's been an interesting one.. so here are a couple things that I've learned.. or things that I kind of already knew, but now I really know..

#1. No matter how bad I think my week has been.. there is someone out there (no doubt someone I know) whose week has been way worse.. mine doesn't even compare.

#2. When I think I'm doing something totally crazy... It's probably been done before and as much as it's out of my comfort zone.. so what.

#3. Sometimes if I give people the chance, they'll actually surprise me in someway.. somehow.

#4. I'm always only one step away from being that person that seems to be way beyond help.. the one that everyone loves to hate.. the one that can't seem to get anything right.

#5. The friends that are the most annoying or "needy" or that I just can't stand to hang around are probably the best friends I'll ever have.. and now that I know that.. they no longer fit that category.. hmm..

That's it for now.. maybe if you've learned anything this week you can add onto that list :)

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