
Sunday, April 1, 2007

The French Canadian National Anthem, Nose-Pickers, and OCD

Recently it was brought to my attention that the french version of our wonderful national anthem is nothing like the english version. We all know the english.. if you don't know it, check out my last note.. but here's the french version translated into english:

O Canada! Land of our forefathers
Your brow is wreathed with glorious garlands!
Though your arm knows how to bear the sword,
It knows how to bear the cross!
Your history is an epic
Of the most brilliant feats.
And your valour, in faith steeped,
Will protect our homes and our rights;
Will protect our homes and our rights.

That being said.. I like it better. It makes more sense, and it's much more.. I don't know. Anyway, that is that and I haven't much else to say about it... now onto the next thing.

I was at work yesterday and was reminded quite openly of a habit we've come to known as nose picking (or the picking of one's nose). A man, upon ordering a coffee and then coming to get a refill, took a seat in a booth. Nothing too unusual about this event.. except maybe that two hours later, he was still occupying the same booth.. fast asleep with his finger up his nose. I watched for a few minutes as he moved his finger, clearly digging for gold. If you were there, you would've laughed too. At any rate, he left a short while later, and left us a tip which nobody wanted to touch which brings me to this: We touch money and we truly do not know where it's been. This is gross. All you OCD folk out there, this one's for you.. don't touch the money.. the guy handing it to you probably got it from the guy picking his nose.. or somewhere else best left unknown.

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