
Tuesday, April 24, 2007


–verb (used without object)
1. to sleep; slumber; doze; nap

Nothing in that definition confines the snooze to 9 minutes.. so why do our alarm clocks?
The Answer: Nobody knows for sure.. but here are some ideas. Click here
And now I would like to say that in all seriousness, the snooze button is entirely useless. I will admit that I use it from time to time...
Actually, If I'm completely honest, I use it on a daily basis.
Fact is, however, that we are losing sleep by using the snooze button.. especially if we use it every day!
If you know you don't have to get up at the time your alarm is set to.. then set it to a later time.. simple.. or is it?
Not really.
Everyone knows that getting out of bed as soon as your alarm goes off the first time, will probably leave you in a bad mood for the remainder of the day. Nobody likes to be rudely awakened from a deep sleep. Hitting the snooze button a few times allows us to relax... and snooze!
on (43 Things is a place where you can write down your goals, get inspired by others, and share your own progress) 283 people would like to "stop hitting the snooze button" .... ???
Are you serious?!
If this is your primary goal in life, maybe you should just STAY in bed...
On the other hand, The snooze button could also be called life's physical procrastination button. And if your goal is to stop procrastinating, then I congratulate you on getting so far as to make a goal and I wish you the best of luck.


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